Avi Rokah 8.4.-10.4.2016, Luhačovice Česká republika

Česká asociace tradičního karate pořádá mezinárodní seminář se sensei Avi Rokah, 7. dan.
Všichni příznivci karate jsou srdečně zváni.

Datum konání/Date: 8.4. – 10.4. 2016

Místo konání/Place: Sportovní centrum Radostova, Hradisko 1029, Luhačovice 763 26, Czech Republic

Cena semináře/Price

Celý seminář: 1 500 Kč dospělí, 600 Kč děti do 13 let vč.
Jeden tréninkový blok: 400 Kč dospělí, 200 Kč děti do 13 let vč.

All classes: 55€ adults, 20€ children up to 13 years of age
One class: 15€ adults, 7€ children up to 13 years of age

Program / Schedule

Pátek/Friday 8. 4. 2016

  • 18:00 – 20:00 General class
  • 20:00 – 21:00 Master class

Sobota/Saturday 9. 4. 2016

  • 10:00 – 12:00 General class
  • 15:00 – 17:00 General class
  • 17:00 – 18:00 Master class

Neděle/Sunday 10. 4. 2015

  • 10:00 – 12:00 General class
  • 12:00 – 13:00 Master class
  • 14:30 – 15:30 Dan exams

(Master class je zaměřena na hnědé a černé pásy, nižší stupně se mohou účastnit)
(Master class is aimed at brown and black belts, lower ranks can however participate too)

We offer an accommodation for  participants from abroad, but rooms are limited. In case of any questions regarding accommodation please feel free to contact Dana Hradska (hradska@karate.cz, +420 603 578 406).   Please make you reservation as soon as possible, no later than March 20. We have limited capacity.

More about location:
Luhačovice is the largest Moravian spa with a long tradition of spa treatment for respiratory tract, digestive organs, diabetes, and kinetic apparatus dysfunction. Famed are the natural medicinal springs, favourable climactic conditions and pleasant surroundings, in which beautiful nature is wed with typical architecture. On the territory of Luhačovice bubble forth 17 sodium hydrocarbonate acidulous springs and one sulphurous spring. The most famous mineral springs are Vincentka, Aloiska, Elektra, the springs of Dr. Šťastný and St. Joseph.The temperature of the surface water fluctuates between 10 – 12°C. Luhačovice waters are considered to be one of the most effective in Europe for their high content of mineral substances and for their excellent free-flowing carbon dioxide.

Radek Januš – předseda ČATK
tel.: +420 776 774 543
e-mail: janus@karate.cz

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